Monday, September 8, 2008

Parking in parking garage

Though the parking garage was meant to provide more parking spaces for the DU community, parking is still a prevalent issue. Since last year, residents have been parking their cars in the parking garage overnight. After all, it is convenient, though since residents live on campus and may not drive as often as commuters - it is almost like they're using it as 'a storage facility' as some have coined it.

But of course, there are two sides to every issue. There's a chance that there aren't any other parking spaces available and the only place is at the parking garage. According to Norah Collins at Monday's SGA meeting, as a courtesy to commuters, residents can't park there overnight so as to leave parking spots for commuters in the morning. Also, despite the presence of security cameras in the parking garage, that doesn't mean it is safe. Most crimes happen in parking garages especially overnight, so anything to prevent that is the main priority.

There are plans to open the fifth floor of the garage to further relieve the parking situation.

More info on Parking

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