Thursday, September 18, 2008

Late night wake up call

Past 1am on Wednesday night - the fire alarm rang in the Residence Halls. One of the downsides to living in the Res. Halls is fire alarms - which largely seem to be false fire alarms pulled by students. I do not know what caused the fire alarm Wednesday night, but so far, it has been the first fire alarm I've experienced so late at night. I had no idea what to do - and looking back on it, it was definitely a false fire alarm and I should have just stayed in my room. The noise was so loud though - it was either wait it out or try going back to sleep. I went outside via the back door of Power - only a few people did the same - with a crate keeping the door open because otherwise we would be locked out and have to walk the long way back to Lewis in PJs. Who would want to do that?

Today I heard that some either stayed in their rooms or slept through it. All in all, I hope that this will be the last false fire alarm for some time - or at least until the end of this semester. Is that too much to ask?

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