Tuesday, October 14, 2008

RSA's Root Beer Keg Party

Before Resident Student Association's general meeting tomorrow (that is Wednesday at 10 P.M.), there will be a root beer keg party and a Twister competition starting at 9 P.M. The root beer keg party is definitely something new...RSA hasn't done this before from my recollection.

I would check it out if I have the time to. I'm wondering if RSA organizes some (or maybe most?) of their events based on resident feedback or just what the Executive Board thinks would be a good idea? I'm not sure if the root beer keg party is being put on by the Hall Reps. I'm just going by a RSA email sent Tuesday morning (10/14).

Sounds like a cool thing to check out. I remember last year, RSA organized a s'mores event outside the Commons where residents toasted marshmallows at the grills outside and made s'mores. I personally enjoyed that event. But I like s'mores, so it was a no-brainer for me.


Amy Kenat said...

Actually, the root beer keg is not a new RSA event. They definately did it last year! I remember having a lot of fun at it.

Charlotte Mutesha said...

That's cute! I personally would puke at that much root beer. Do people chug it and yell "Frank the Tank"?

Joe Nava said...

Wow at first this sounds kind of dorky, then i was thinking "man...I really love root beer," so I guess it's a pretty good idea after all.