Monday, October 20, 2008

Printing: out of control?

I know that as a resident without a printer in my room, I'm feeling more and more guilty about printing out long (20 -30 pages) readings for class via the printers on campus (Library, Tech Center, etc.). I have no choice for certain classes since you have to have the readings with you in class. While I see some students with laptops in class, I don't see it as common thing to do. Though bringing your laptop to class where you can view the reading in class without having to print it out (the printed readings are just going to be tossed at the end of the semester anyway) is a smart idea. Especially if you want to do your part to "Go Green."

But still sometimes you have to have a printed out copy just to make quick notes or highlight key passages. And I don't know about anyone else, but I would feel a little awkward if I were typing out notes in class during a lecture. It seems impolite to me. If Dominican were a bigger institution or a state university with big lecture halls, I would feel more comfortable bringing my laptop since with a smaller class size - you feel like you're under the microscope. The only person with a laptop in a class of 30 is like the odd person out. I'm not sure if teachers are even encouraging students to bring their laptops to class. I haven't heard anything about it.

Now I used to have a printer in my room during my freshmen year, but it broke down and I wasn't too eager to print out long readings. I would have to pay for the ink cartridge if it ran out. But having ready access to a printer to print out papers was beneficial. All too frequently, I go to print a paper out on campus and I usually resort to printing at the Tech Center. The Library is always full at the time I need something printed out. I feel like I need to plan time to print so that I'm not in a rush.


1 comment:

Natalie Tolomeo said...

I have a printer at my house but's still in the box (it came free with my mac :) ). I always print stuff at school but I don't feel bad. I mean, we pay like an arm and a leg to go here so why should we pay to print??

Before I transferred here, the community college I went to would charge 10 cents if you printed anything that wasn't for class and had a maximum of 10 pages per printing. If it was for class and was more than 10 pages, you'd have to pay for the additional pages or print it up by sections.

However, I'm all about saving trees. One time, my friends and I were doing something on the computer, printed the lengthy thing at home like six times accidentally!! must have been that time of the month or something because I started to cry and said, "Think of all the trees we just killed!"

Wow, but don't feel bad Diana. The printers are there for us to use. Just don't abuse them or make a big deal about it because DU could start charging students for printing.