Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Avoid the Shuttle.

As we all know, or should know, Dominican offers a "courtesy shuttle service," which is very limited. It will bring you back and forth from the Priory and Main Campus, as well as take you to the CTA Green Line upon request, on the hour, after 7:00 p.m.

From my experiences, this is shuttle is not very reliable, which causes me to recommend avoiding the shuttle at all costs. If you expect to get anywhere on time, it is best to find your own transportation, especially in the evening. I really hate to turn students off from using the shuttle, as I am a security student worker, but I have seen first-hand how this is a "courtesy" yet unhelpful service.


Charlotte Mutesha said...

I remember when it used to go to the Green Line stop every trip. While it may have been gas-consuming, I think that was way more convenient for commuter students rather than just going after 7 pm.

Tom Blackwell said...

I agree with Charlotte. They really need to bring back the green line run.

Joe Nava said...

I'm not a big fan of the shuttle either. I'd rather find a ride from someone if I need to go somewhere that the shuttle could also take me.